Friday, January 2, 2015

The holidays were just as lovely as they could be. It is always such a splendid time to be with family in Cincinnati and now I am back and nestled in to my little mountain home. It is so quiet here, but the bunny is getting into more mischief than ever. His silver hair, he grew in for winter, is coming out in large fluffy clumps and is being replaced with a dark soft black. I am always amazed by his wild brindled coat. One week he is a silver brown, the next he is covered in designs of circles of new colors growing in. He is bouncing about much more than usual and finding any leftover christmas boxes he can to snack on.

We have a new addition to the Von Sneeden family. A lovely computer that I have inherited from my sister! It has proved itself to be a lovely new friend and is fitting in quite nicely.

The winds are getting colder and the days of happily waking up and making breakfast and smiling about seem of a distant past. It is cereal and days spent in bed and moping about for me in this grey week.

* If by some sort of New Year's Miracle I was writing about the loss of my only source of technology for almost 2 years, my wee little ipod who has stuck with me through thick and thin. Through my stunt as a ramp agent at an airport, its little flashlight checked many a cargo unit and in the cold cold winter nights it helped to detect for frost. It went with me to London and Bruges, it went bike riding to Holland and shot many a windmill. One day, several months ago, with a sudden incoming plane my glow wands knocked it from my pocket and it fell to the ground. Although injured, we carried on living happily.. cracked and home button missing and all. When suddenly 3 days ago it finally perished for good... or so I thought. Never to be used again.. I took a photograph for this post and BEHOLD it awakened again!

Happy New Year, everyone!

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