Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1st

Hello all,
What a year it has been, and I do apologize for my absence. It’s the completion of my first year as a full time artist and I am still trying to find my rythym and balance. I have dreams of Monday, sketching, Tuesday, Painting, Wednesdays, shipping, Friday’s write a little blog. But alas, it is quite all over the place and I haven’t written since July!  It was a lovely summer... it really seemed to come and go so quickly... It feels like yesterday that the violets were blooming. I saved some along with some rose petals from the summer garden. I placed them between paper towels and put them in the freezer so that I can break them out for those mid winter blues one oft time gets. I snowless winter can do that to me.. and I so hope New England will be coated in a thick white blanket of snow for the majority of this one! I am surely going to try and post more!!!! I’ve struggled because everytime I work on a craft, or whip up a recipe I am so happy and in the moment that I hate to break from it by styling for a good photograph.. But I suppose the few of you that do read this wouldn’t mind seeing the reality of a good kitchen mess in real time! I shall give it a go.. and hope to see you more often! For now I hope you will enjoy the very few pictures I did manage to catch on my camera! I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween... and even though winter doesn’t come for some time yet, I still always celebrate its coming on the first of November. Soon we will be celebrating our personal holiday of First Fire! Where we say farewell to the tree spririts that will soon fall asleep for winter, we plant bulbs into the ground for spring blooms, sing old folk songs, and drink whiskey around the very first fire of the season with our animals gathered all around.  I’m hoping for a good many things this winter... like finally starting a sure schedule and sticking to it and to start making my own clothes! Have you any hobbies you’d like to start or keep up with while you are stuck cozy inside for winter?

With love,


  1. Welcome back with all your beautiful images and photographs. Perfect, perfect, perfect. I hope you have a wonderful week- xo Diana

  2. Love the painting when the ghost is coming out of the necklace

  3. Didn't know you were posting here again.

    So happy that you are.

    Early Winter blessings,
    Luna Crone


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